SAF-Safe Internet service will be presented for free to the subscribers from December 29, 2017 to January 7, 2018.
This service which is offered to the subscribers of Internet provider filters the web pages which negatively influence to the people, mainly to the children’s psychology, takes control on Internet access reflecting immorality, crime and agression, forbids access to the undesirable Internet sites.
The parents can activate the service by entering their personal cabinets in “” web site during these 10 days in winter holiday.
After activating the service, the user saves the subject which is not considered acceptable. From this moment, the access to undesirable pages is closed.
In addition, it’s possible to active and deactive the service easily by compiling the “white” and “black” lists.
The service which allows the wide search possibility forbids the users from safe Internet threats, including viral, indesirable and harmful contents which propagates the violence in high speed information flow.
SAF restricts the access to these Internet pages when the children want to enter undesirable Internet sites.
Note: Only the Internet subscribers of “Aztelekom.Net” can benefit from this service.